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Natural fibre renforced polymer composites / Sabu Thomas
Titre : Natural fibre renforced polymer composites : From macro to nanoscale Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Sabu Thomas, Auteur ; Laly A. Pothan, Auteur Editeur : Archives Contemporaines Année de publication : impr. 2009 Autre Editeur : Philadelphia (PA) : Old city publishing Importance : 1 vol. (539 p.) Présentation : ill., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-914610-99-5 Note générale : Notes bibliogr. Langues : Anglais Catégories : Mécanique de précision : Matériaux Mots-clés : Composites polym Index. décimale : 620.1 Mécanique de l'ingénieur (mécanique appliquée) et matériaux Résumé : Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
from Macro to Nanoscale
Natural fibers and their composites have a long and important place in the history of human creativity and industry.Increasing consumer interest in "green" products made with sustainable materials,along with the rising cost of petroleum - the basic ingredient of synthetic fibers - have once again brought natural fibers and their composites to the fore.
The renewed interest in natural fibers is only a few décades old. Thus, the pioneering work of current researchers in this new era of natural fiber composites will help to illuminate the path for future researchers as they explore new potentialites for natural fibers.
Sabu Thomas and Laly Pothen,themselves leaders in the field,bring together cutting edge research by eminent scientists in Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites.Covering the latest research trends such as nano technology,the book will be a valuable resource for the natural fiber composite researcher.
About the Editors
Sabu Thomas is a professor at the School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatama Gandhi Unmversity, Kottayam, India He received a PhD. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and a B Tech in Polymer Science and Technology from Cochm University A post-doctoral fellow at the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Research Center [CERSIM] at Laval University, Québec,Canada, Professor Thomas gained additional expérience as a visiting professor at a number of universities around the world A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Chemical Society,his research has led to the publication of some 3B0 articles m international peer-reviewed journals, several book chapters and three patents The co-editor of four books,he has been a visiting professor and lecturer at some of the world's leading polymer research laboratones
Laly A. Pothen, currently Reader m the Department of Chemistry, Bishop Moore Collège, Kerala, India, received a Ph D m Polymer Science from Mahatma Gandhi University. and has nearly thirty years of teaching expérience With the hands-on expérience gamed from conducting expenments under the guidance of leading researchers such as Y M Mai, Stefan Spange, G Mennig S.K Malhotra and Sabu Thomas at some of the world's prééminent research laboratones, Professor Pothen has worked m the field of natural fiber composites for the past fourteen years She has published several papers in international peer-refereed |Ournals, contnbuted chapters for five books and has presented her findings at ma|or international conférences She is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical SocietyNatural fibre renforced polymer composites : From macro to nanoscale [texte imprimé] / Sabu Thomas, Auteur ; Laly A. Pothan, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Archives Contemporaines : Philadelphia (PA) : Old city publishing, impr. 2009 . - 1 vol. (539 p.) : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-2-914610-99-5
Notes bibliogr.
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Mécanique de précision : Matériaux Mots-clés : Composites polym Index. décimale : 620.1 Mécanique de l'ingénieur (mécanique appliquée) et matériaux Résumé : Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
from Macro to Nanoscale
Natural fibers and their composites have a long and important place in the history of human creativity and industry.Increasing consumer interest in "green" products made with sustainable materials,along with the rising cost of petroleum - the basic ingredient of synthetic fibers - have once again brought natural fibers and their composites to the fore.
The renewed interest in natural fibers is only a few décades old. Thus, the pioneering work of current researchers in this new era of natural fiber composites will help to illuminate the path for future researchers as they explore new potentialites for natural fibers.
Sabu Thomas and Laly Pothen,themselves leaders in the field,bring together cutting edge research by eminent scientists in Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites.Covering the latest research trends such as nano technology,the book will be a valuable resource for the natural fiber composite researcher.
About the Editors
Sabu Thomas is a professor at the School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatama Gandhi Unmversity, Kottayam, India He received a PhD. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and a B Tech in Polymer Science and Technology from Cochm University A post-doctoral fellow at the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Research Center [CERSIM] at Laval University, Québec,Canada, Professor Thomas gained additional expérience as a visiting professor at a number of universities around the world A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Chemical Society,his research has led to the publication of some 3B0 articles m international peer-reviewed journals, several book chapters and three patents The co-editor of four books,he has been a visiting professor and lecturer at some of the world's leading polymer research laboratones
Laly A. Pothen, currently Reader m the Department of Chemistry, Bishop Moore Collège, Kerala, India, received a Ph D m Polymer Science from Mahatma Gandhi University. and has nearly thirty years of teaching expérience With the hands-on expérience gamed from conducting expenments under the guidance of leading researchers such as Y M Mai, Stefan Spange, G Mennig S.K Malhotra and Sabu Thomas at some of the world's prééminent research laboratones, Professor Pothen has worked m the field of natural fiber composites for the past fourteen years She has published several papers in international peer-refereed |Ournals, contnbuted chapters for five books and has presented her findings at ma|or international conférences She is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical SocietyRéservation
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