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The alkali halide crystals have always been at the centre stage of solid-state physics. They have been "model crystals" for testing many solid-state theories. In recent decades, they have also proved useful in several applications ranging from[...]
Exemplaires (2)
S8/59627 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |
S8/59628 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |
Ceramic materials are widely used as components in a great variety of applications. They are attractive due to their good high temperature strength, high wear resistance, good corrosion restistance and other special physical properties. Their [...]
Exemplaires (2)
S8/59644 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |
S8/59645 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |