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This book provides the student with comprehensive coverage of both networks and system architecture. It aims to introduce the most widely used networking protocols and distributed systems, covering recent developments in distributed processing a[...]texte imprimé
Fitzgeradd, A.E, Auteur ; Charles Kingsley, Jr, Auteur ; Stephen D, Umans, Auteur | London [U.K] : McGraw-Hill | 1985texte imprimé
ThriftBooks is a fully independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since we started in 2003. Each quality used book is sorted, graded, shelved and shipped by hand by our team of dedicated employees in[...]texte imprimé
With coverage that includes the latest information on three key areas--frequencies above 100 MHz, digital receivers, and circuit analysis with SPICE--this revision has what practicing engineers are looking for. Invaluable techniques for making r[...]texte imprimé
This is an introductory text, a successor volume to the authors' previous book Software System Development. A Gentle Introduction. It follows the software development process, from requirements capture to implementation, using an object-oriented[...]texte imprimé