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AI 2001 is the 14th in the series of Arti cial Intelligence conferences sponsored by the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence/Soci et e - nadienne pour l' etude de l'intelligence par ordinateur. As was the case last year to[...]texte imprimé
After a basic introduction spanning the principles of stereoselective transformations, kinetics and enzyme properties, the different types of reactions are explained. Special techniques, such as the use of enzymes in organic solvents, immobiliz[...]texte imprimé
Cet ouvrage est consacré à l'une des fonctions essentielles des systèmes de télécommunications modernes : le codage de canal ou codage correcteur d'erreurs. ? la croisée de la théorie de l'information, des mathématiques et de l'électronique, le [...]texte imprimé
Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Scalable parallel systems or distributed memory systems, offer a model of computing and pose problems regarding compiler optimization, ranging from language design to run time systems. This mo[...]texte imprimé
Data Mining Provides a snapshot of the data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications. This collection of chapters is based on works presented at the Australasian Data Mining conferences and indust[...]texte imprimé
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are on the verge of revolutionizing digital signal processing. Novel FPGA families are replacing ASICs and PDSPs for front end digital signal processing algorithms more and more. The efficient implementatio[...]texte imprimé
Cet ouvrage permet d'apprendre à utiliser les Outils Simscape et SimpowerSystems pour modéliser et simuler des circuits électroniques, électromécaniques et électronique de puissance. Pour utiliser ces deux outils, la connaissance de MATLAB et SI[...]texte imprimé
Cet ouvrage décrit une méthodologie et un savoir-faire pour la construction effective de modèles en analyse d'images. Les tâches d'imagerie y sont le plus souvent formalisées comme des problèmes inverses solutionnés dans un cadre Bayesien. Ce li[...]texte imprimé
It is generally understood that the present approachs to computing do not have the performance, flexibility, and reliability of biological information processing systems. Although there is a comprehensive body of knowledge regarding how informat[...]texte imprimé
Emmerich Wolfgang ; Stefan Tai | Berlin [Germany] : Springer-Verlag | Lecture notes in computer science | 2001Wolfgang Emmerich Engineering Distributed Objects The payoffs for creating distributed applications are in achieving portability, scalability and faulttolerance. In order to simplify building software that performs robustly regardless of platf[...]texte imprimé
The book covers all essential elements of current and next generation fibre optic networks, including many that are ignored in other books. The reader gains an in-depth understanding of the current and future capabilities of fibre optic communic[...]texte imprimé
H.-D. Belitz ; W. Grosch ; Schieberle ; M.-N. Burghagen, Traducteur | Berlin [Germany] : Springer-Verlag | 2004The 3rd edition has been extensively re-written and a number of new topics, many of which will be of particular interest to food technologists, have been introduced or completely revised. The book now comprises more than 620 tables and 472 figur[...]texte imprimé
Fullerene Polymers and Fullerene Polymer Composites is the first comprehensive experimental and theoretical account of polymers and composites whose unusual properties, such as, photophysical phenomena, electrical transport, phase transitions an[...]texte imprimé
This textbook is a revised and enlarged version of notes for a one-semester course on electromagnetism. It covers the theory of electromagnetic phenomena in vacuum and in material media. The book includes a CD-ROM with didactic software, to solv[...]texte imprimé
This third updated edition of Fundamentals of Semiconductors attempts to fill the gap between a general solid-state physics textbook and research articles by providing detailed explanations of the electronic, vibrational, transport, and optical [...]texte imprimé
This text gives a broad overview of research underway in the fields of optical science and engineering throughout the world. The contributions, which are written by internationally renowned scientists, should be of particular interest to special[...]texte imprimé
Cet ouvrage traite des nouvelles fonctionnalités de MATLAB R2009, SIMULINK et STATEFLOW. Le premier chapitre permet la prise en main succincte de la plupart des fonctions MATLAB et SIMULINK. Tous les autres chapitres développent de façon approfo[...]texte imprimé
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Jounaidi Abdeljaoued ; Henri Lombardi | Berlin [Germany] : Springer-Verlag | Mathématiques et applications 42 | 2004"Ce livre est une introduction à la théorie de la complexité algébrique basée sur un panorama des méthodes algorithmiques en algèbre linéaire exacte. Il donne en particulier les principaux algorithmes pour le calcul du polynôme caractéristique. [...]texte imprimé
Micai 2000 Advances in Artificial Intelligence 2000: Mexican International Conference in Artificial Intelligence Acapulco, Mexico, April 11-14, 2000, Proceedings This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Mexican International Confere[...]texte imprimé
Model based fuzzy control : Fuzzy gain schedulers and sliding mode fuzzy controllers with 86 figures
Model Based Fuzzy Control uses a given conventional or fuzzy open loop model of the plant under control to derive the set of fuzzy rules for the fuzzy controller. Of central interest are the stability, performance, and robustness of the resultin[...]texte imprimé
Multi-image Analysis The refereed post-proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in March 2000, this book includes: 3D data acquisition and sensor design, mult[...]texte imprimé
A description of general techniques for solving linear partial differential equations by dividing space into regions to which the equations are independently applied and then assembling a global solution from the partial ones. Intended for resea[...]texte imprimé
L'objet de cet ouvrage est de proposer une quarantaine de petits problèmes d'analyse avec leur corrigé qui ont servi de base à l'interrogation orale de mathématiques au concours d'entrée à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. Avant de donner le[...]