Titre :
Liapunov functions and stability in control theory
Auteurs :
Andrea Baccioto, Auteur ;
Lionel Rosier, Auteur
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
London : Springer-Verlag, 2001
Collection :
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Format :
1 vol. (XI-208 p.) / ill. / 24 cm
Langues originales:
Index. décimale :
620 (Génie et activités connexes)
Catégories :
Ouvrages > Sciences naturelles > Mathématiques
Control theory
Commande, Théorie de la
Lyapunov functions
Liapounov, Fonctions de
stabilité robuste
stabilité asymptotique
inclusion différentielle
système temps variable
système non linéaire
stabilité Liapunov
fonction Liapunov
Résumé :
The main purpose of this work is to present a modern and self-contained treatment of the Liapunov method for stability analysis, in the framework of mathematical nonlinear control theory. The book focuses in particular on the problem of the existence of Liapunov functions (converse Liapunov theorems) and their regularity, whose interest is especially motivated by applications to automatic control (boundedness of state evolution with respect to bounded inputs, stabilization by feedback). Many recent results in this area have been collected and presented in a systematic way. Some of them are given in extended, unified versions and with new, simpler proofs.
Côte titre :
Exemplaires (2)
S8/59733 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |
S8/59734 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |