Titre :
Inverse engineering Handbook
Auteurs :
Keith A. Woodbury
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
New York : CRC Press, 2003
Collection :
The Mechanical engineering handbook series
Format :
1 vol. (466 p.) / ill., couv. ill. / 24 cm
Note générale :
Bibliogr. Index
Langues originales:
Index. décimale :
030 (Encyclopédies générales)
Catégories :
Ouvrages > Généralités (ouvrages généraux), information, informatique > Dictionnaires et encyclopédies
Ingénierie : dictionnaire
Résumé :
Inverse problems have been the for us of a growing number of research efforts over-the last 40 years - and rightly so. The ability to determine a "cause" from an observed "effect" is a powerful one. Researchers now have at their disposal a variety of techniques for solving inverse problems, techniques that go well beyond those useful for relatively simple parameter estimation problems. The question has been, where can one find a single, comprehensive resource that details these methods? The answer is the Inverse Engineering Handbook. Leadina experts in inverse problems have joined forces to produce a definitive reference that allows readers to understand, implement, and benefit from a variety of problem-solvina techniques. Each chapter details a method developed or refined by its contributor, who provides clear explanations, examples, and in many cases, software algorithms. While many of the examples presented focus on heat transfer, the techniques discussed are applicable to a wide range of inverse problems. Anyone interested in inverse problems, regardless of their specialty, will find this handbook to be a unique and invaluable compendium of up-to-date techniques. Features: Provides full details on a variety of inverse problem-solving techniques; Presents methods in a form that allows easy implementation; Includes examples and algorithms for the future times, mollification, and adjoint methods; Addresses the calculation of sensitivity coefficients, which offer tremendous insight into the process being studied; Includes a chapter on designing experiments that support inverse analysis.
Côte titre :
Exemplaires (1)
S8/61216 | Livre | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |