Titre :
Fault tolerance in embedded systems : cloud computing systems
Auteurs :
Mounya Smara, Auteur ;
Makhlouf Aliouat, Directeur de thèse
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Sétif : Universite ferhat abbas faculté des sciences département d’informatique, 2017
Format :
1 vol. (XI-108 f.) / ill.
Note générale :
Bibliogr. Annexes
Catégories :
Thèses (en français - en anglais) > Texte imprimé
Résumé :
Cloud Computing has become a popular computational technology across all industries, by which desired services can be accessed from any place and at any time. Cloud environments are characterized by the big data, non centralization, distribution and non-heterogeneity that bring some challenges such as: reliability which is still a major issue for cloud service providers. Fault tolerance is an active line of research in design and implementation of dependable systems. It means to handle unexpected defects, so that the system meets its specification in the presence of faults. Specification guarantees can be broadly characterized by safety and liveness properties. Reliability in cloud environment is handled by a set of fault detection and fault tolerance techniques. The fault detection is configured by monitoring and heartbeat strategies whereas the fault tolerance is performed by using techniques based on time and space redundancy such as checkpointing, retry, SGuard….etc. The main aim of this thesis is the incorporation of recovery blocks scheme to enhance reliability of cloud computing systems by providing Fail-Silent and Fault-Masking nodes. A Fail-Silent cloud node is a safe component that uses the acceptance test for self-fault detection whereas a FaultMasking node is a safe and live component that can detect and recover from failures using the acceptance test and try blocks. The proposed strategies are proved and time and space complexities are estimated. Furthermore, a case study and a verification using the model-checker are provided for the proposed schemes to prove their efficiency and their applicability.
Exemplaires (1)
TS4/8608 | Thèse | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |