Titre :
Modeling of planar Microwave sensor and optimized dielectric resonator antenna
Auteurs :
Samira Mekki, Auteur ;
Chems Eddine Zebiri, Directeur de thèse
Type de document :
document électronique
Editeur :
Sétif : Université Ferhat Abbas faculté de technologie département d’électronique, 2024
Format :
1 vol. (83 f.) / ill. en coul.
Catégories :
Thèses (en français - en anglais) > Document électronique
Résumé :
This thesis aims to model and optimize planar resonator structures , including antennas and filters utilizing advanced simulation tools such as HFSS, and ADS. The primary focus is on dielectric resonator antennas(DRAs),particularly the design of a simple,compact cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (CDRA) based on MIMO technology for WLAN applications. Additionally, a highly sensitive and compact microwave sensor is presented,based on meta-materials complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR),designed to characterize liquid media in the microwave frequency range. A key aspect of this work is the development of equivalent circuit models,a topic that has recently gained significant interest in antenna design.Using ADS software,two effective equivalent circuit models were created: one for a sensor and another for a CDRA MIMO antenna. These models provide a deeper understanding of the behavior of this type of resonator,thereby enhancing the overall quality and performance of the designs.
Côte titre :
En ligne :
Exemplaires (1)
E-TH/2330 | Thèse | Bibliothèque centrale | Disponible |